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Clara An Indecent Story
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Beskrivning: Clara, 22 years old, is a young French student who has decided to finish her studies in sociology at the University of Barcelona. To finance her studies, like many of her friends, she was forced to take on a series of odd jobs. Barmaid, DJ or "sandwich lady", she did everything or almost. For the past few weeks, she has been working for a cleaning company that manages hotels as well as private homes.
Today, Clara has to go to Tommy's sumptuous home. When she arrives, the young woman is amazed by the luxurious villa. It is by far the largest house she has been in since she started working. Its owner is a young wolf of finance who at first sight does not leave her indifferent.
After cleaning everything up, Clara thinks it would be a shame to leave without taking a chance with the young man. Thus, she presents herself in front of him half-naked while he is still working on his files. In front of Clara's perfect body, Tommy decides that it's time for him to take a well-deserved break and to get to know the pretty tattooed brunette better.
140 min
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