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Girl Girl Sex Vol 355

259 kr
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Beskrivning: Catalina and Pilar play with tarot cards in bed, and when they draw The Lovers, their faces light up with knowing smiles. During deep kisses, Pilar lifts up Catalina's shirt, nuzzles her soft breasts, and licks her armpit hair. The girls both indulge their passion for feet by nibbling and sucking each other's toes, then Catalina climbs atop Pilar's face. Catalina reaches orgasm first, as Pilar's tongue expertly laps into her hairy pussy. Pilar cries out soon after, thanks to Catalina's expert stroking. Then they take turns perching on the dresser to get ravished. Pilar gets on hands and knees facing the mirror, with her blissed-out face reflected back at her, as Catalina penetrates her from behind. Then Catalina reclines with her legs open, and Pilar makes her cum by plunging two fingers deep inside. Exhausted and satisfied, the lovers curl up naked on the floor and sweetly make out. The olive-complexioned brunettes get close while doing yoga, leading to steamy topless tongue kisses. Moona reaches into Dalilah's skirt to strip off her panties, and sighs "Oh, wow!" when she spreads her legs. Moona's eyes sparkle as she sensually laps Dalilah's fleshy labia, and makes her writhe in ecstasy by burying a finger in her anus. Moona swoons, watching her new friend lick her pussy. Dalilah makes Moona cum by sliding two fingers in and out, then Moona inserts one of her own fingers as well. For the finale, Moona fully indulges Dalilah's passion for anal. After giving her lustful rimming, Moona inserts one finger in her partner's pussy and another in her ass. The double penetration gives Dalilah two blissful orgasms in a row, and she gratefully cuddles Moona and cries, "That was intense!"
129 min
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FRI FRAKT 1000:-
1-2 dagars leverans
Avsändare: M.Karlsson
5000+ OLIKA
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