HemFilmbolagGirlsway › Seeing Red
NYHET - Inkom i sortimentet 2025-03-03

Seeing Red

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Beskrivning: Jayden Cole enters the basement and seems surprised to find her second cousins Jayme Rae and Scarlett Mae already sitting there with their faces in their hands. They make small talk for a moment, chatting about how bored they are at the family reunion making awkward chit-chat with relatives they barely even know. 'As if a bunch of 20-somethings like us care about 401ks and kitchen remodelings and all that other crap!' Jayden mentions. The trio shares a laugh which quickly dies into awkward silence. As they sigh with boredom, the girls make made attempts at small talk until Jayden suggests that they play strip blackjack. The other two are a little shyer but ultimately agree. As they play blackjack, more and more clothes come off as the girls gradually warm up to each other, Jayme and Scarlett in particular becoming less and less shy. With fewer and fewer clothes on, the girls also become more flirty with each other, making saucy comments and stealing glances at each other's semi-nude bodies. Eventually, all three girls are sitting in just their panties, the atmosphere increasingly sexually-charged. A mischievous look comes over Jayden's face and she suddenly reaches over to Jayme and playfully tweaks her nipple. Jayme is shocked. 'Hah, sorry! I couldn't help myself. It was practically STARING at me.

But that was mean. You can totally flick MY nipple back if you want! Actually, you guys can BOTH even give my boobs a little squeeze if you're curious. Not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind giving both of YOURS a little feel too!' Jayden says. Jayme and Scarlett are hesitant, but ultimately can't resist the temptation. They compare and touch each other's breasts. As the breast touching becomes increasingly erotic, the atmosphere takes on a strong sexual charge. Feeling the vibe, Jayden lowers her mouth to lightly lick Jayme's nipple. Jayme is a little reluctant at first, but swept up in the eroticism of the moment, she lets Jayden continue to tongue her hard nipples. It doesn't take long for Scarlett to join in, getting her own mouthful of Jayme's perky tits. That's all it takes for a boring family get-together to turn into a red hot reunion!
105 min
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