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One Night In London
239 kr
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Beskrivning: Joni (Carollina Cherry) lived in London for several years for work, but left because she couldn't stand the city, its people, and its ways... and Justin, her ex who is now in prison. She never thought she'd have to set foot in London again, but she's obliged to for work and face her past.
Isobel (Bella Tina), one of her best friends who's with her in London, tries one last time to convince her to have fun before her return trip. While talking on the phone, Joni realizes her friend is having a great time in the next room with John, whom she can't bear to be apart from. Their relationship has become very physical and very passionate.
When the taxi that was supposed to take her to the airport breaks down in the middle of nowhere, Joni has no choice but to continue on foot, hoping to quickly find a bus stop. Unfortunately, a bad encounter in a rough neighborhood forces her to change her plans. Without her suitcase or purse, she finds herself in a precarious situation. Luckily, she had the presence of mind to keep her passport and return ticket with her.
142 min
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