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The Headmistress
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Beskrivning: "Welcome back to the Russian Institute, where the students are always excited, the professors incontr ôlable, and the director particularly severe and vicious. The principal, this beautiful slutominator, reigns with an iron fist over the school. Fortunately, girls can count on all the tails in the neighborhood to fuck head-on between two lessons, and drown their worries in violent orgasms ... When they're not fucking in their room, Nastasia and Anna Polinasuously kiss the gardener before offering him their pussies. Mutinous and vicious, Anna has a pronounced taste for the sodomy she demands on every occasion. Meanwhile, Jessyca Wilson and her girlfriend Nasta Zyaare running with a teacher who checks their talents for fucking and fellatio, as well as the flexibility of their anus ... But no one competes in perversity with the director (Clanddi), who punishes the recalcitrant students by offering them to her stallions, and is caught like a fury, a huge tail in each orifice...
97 min
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