HemFilmbolagReality Junkies › Young Anal Adventures Vol 2

Young Anal Adventures Vol 2

249 kr
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Beskrivning: Tiffany is watching porn in bed, while masturbating to Mr Pete on screen. She falls aand wakes up in her room where it now has disco lights and fog. Mr Pete emerges from the fog to fuck Tiffany's tight little asshole deep and hard. She happily obliges and lets Mr Pete gape her ass until she orgasms. Is this a dream or reality?

Iris is at her pyschologist office explaining to Dr. Deen why she can't orgasm...she has been with lots of guys in high school: jocks, nerds, freaks and geeks....but it always ends up in disappointment. Dr. Deen has a theory, she can't orgasm because she needs a man with the right experience, such as himself. Well, there is only one way to find out...so Iris gets on top of Dr. Deen and begs forhim to fuck her in the ass! Dr. Deen ravages her asshole pounding her deep, and hard... until she orgasms for the first time!

Sarah, Bill, and Trillium are at home playing a game of Spin the Bottle with a twist... Trillium brought cards with sexual orders. The first card had the girls kiss each other...the second card had Bill get a blowjob from Trillium....and now the last card...has Bill fuck Sarah in her virgin asshole! Sarah is a little nervous because she's not done anal before, Bill assures her it will be great. Bill starts furiously fucking Sarah's ass deep and hard. Sarah loves watching his big dick go in and out of her ass until she orgasms and screams in pleasure.

Angel is horny and feeling adventurous so she calls her boyfriend Pete over to try something they've never done before... anal! But Angel is a little worried, she's never done anal before and examines her ass with a giant magnifying glass making sure her tight little ass can handle a big dick. Mr Pete assures Angel her ass is in good hands while he plays with her asshole with his fingers first...s lowly getting it ready for his big dick. Once ready he plunges his cock deep in her ass while she screams in ecstasy.
120 min
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